Grafman's Animated GIFs
The following images are copyrighted and may not be copied, published or distributed
without the prior written permission of
Robert M. Free.
These Animated GIFs require a Netscape-compatible browser
Click on an image to animate
Note: the above images are licensed to Grafman Productions or its clients and are not available
for distribution. Grafman Productions creates animated GIFs, digital movies, logos,
corporate identities on a contract basis.
GIFs for limited public use
You are welcome to use any of the following animated gifs in your web pages,
provided that they are not used commercially, have been unmodified and link to this page,
and you tell us what URL you will
be using them on.
You can use the following HTML as a link example:
<A HREF="http://www.graphcomp.com/grafman/animate/gifs.html">
<IMG BORDER=0 SRC="/grafman/images/globe.gif" ALT="Grafman Productions" WIDTH=140 HEIGHT=140>
Check out Grafman's VRML demos
Copyright © 1996 - Grafman Productions - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED