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Copyright 1995 Robert M. Free - publishing rights reserved

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July 17, 1995

UN assists in the extermination of Bosnian Muslims.

Whether due to simple stupidity or by malignant design, European leaders have assisted the Bosnian Serbs in their campaign to eradicate the Muslim population from Bosnia/Herzegovina.

If Europe was truly interested in ending the Serb's "ethnic cleansing", they'd wage war against them - surely the combined military might of the West is capable of cutting off the Serb's supply lines, destroying communications centers and taking out heavy weapons.

On the other hand, if Europe simply wanted to stay out of Bosnia's "internal affairs", it could have withdrawn all UN troops. Instead, they have essentially used the UN troops to lure Bosnian civilians into "safe zones", and then turned the Muslims over to the Serbs.

Likewise, when the US/NATO threaten to retaliate for Serbian transgressions, UN troops remained to provide the Serbs with effective human shields.

The excuse for keeping UN troops in Bosnia has been to provide humanitarian aid - yet European leaders have refused to allow UN troops to militarily defend "safe zone" cities, aid convoys, or civilians.

Europe has blocked every attempt by the legitimate Bosnian government to acquire weapons to protect its civilians - saying that it would put UN soldiers at risk. Meanwhile, the UN has allowed the Serbs to capture UN-controlled heavy armaments.

Europe couldn't do more to assist the Bosnian Serbs - except, perhaps, to order the UN troops to shoot all the Muslims in the remaining safe zones.

If the UN really wanted to stop assisting the Serbs, they could take these obvious measures:

None of this guarantees that the Serbs will be stopped, but it would at least allow the Bosnians to fight for themselves, minimize European casualties, and allow other countries to unilaterally assist in fighting the genocide.

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