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Copyright 1995 Robert M. Free - publishing rights reserved

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July 14, 1995

The UN demands that the Bosnian Serb forces withdraw - or face yet another demand.

My definition of a terrorist is someone who terrorizes non-combatants. The Bosnian Serbs have sniped and bombed civilian neighborhoods, forceably removed civilians from their homes and villages, separated civilian families, and have killed or otherwise forced civilians into exile - that, in my mind, qualifies them as terrorists.

Yet, the UN continues to negotiate with them as legitimate participants in an effort to forge a new Bosnian nation.

Likewise, when the Bosnian Serbs capture and hold hostage a number of UN "Peace Keepers", the UN promptly negotiates with them in order to facilitate the Peace Keeper's release - rather than respond to what historically would be considered an act of war.

When Bosnian Serbs attack UN-designated "safe zones", the UN forces promptly move aside, to allow the forced removal of civilians from their city, enabling the Serbs to acquire their private homes and property.

The US government seems not to believe it has a national/economic interest in discouraging these well-armed terrorists from occupying this strategic boundary between Eastern and Western Europe - a force that has no respect for the UN, private property or civilian lives. While the US has made some effort to get tough on the Serbs, it continues to placate them when the going gets rough.

It has been made clear to the Serbs that Europe is only interested in appearing to protest the Serb aggression - but in fact, it will do nothing to protect Muslim civilians, and will do everything possible to prevent the legitimate Bosnian government from arming itself.

In light of this situation, does the UN really think making a demand will have any effect? For that matter, has making baseless threats to terrorists ever been effective?

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