ContextInfo Struct Reference

Data Fields

char filename [MAX_FILEPATH]
 Logo filepath.
int xDir
 Horizontal offset direction.
int yDir
 Vertical offset direction.
int xOff
 Horizontal offset in pixels.
int yOff
 Vertical offset in pixels.
int xDrop
 Horizontal drop-shadow offset.
int yDrop
 Vertical drop-shadow offset.
int dOpacity
 Drop-shadow opacity (0-100).
int image_loaded
 Image cache loaded flag.
int width
 Logo width in pixels.
int height
 Logo height in pixels.
int inp_fmt
 Logo format constant.
int inp_size
 Logo buffer size in bytes.
uint8_t * inp_buf
 Pointer to logo buffer.
int rgba_size
 RGBA buffer size in bytes.
uint8_t * rgba_buf
 Pointer to RGBA buffer.
AVFrame * rgbaFrame
 Pointer to RGBA frame.
int vidWidth
 Video frame width in pixels.
int vidHeight
 Video frame height in pixels.
int vid_row
 Video row size in bytes.
int logo_row
 Logo row size in bytes.
RECT rLogo
 Logo placement on video frame.
RECT rDrop
 Drop-shadow placement on video frame.
RECT rBounds
 Affected pixels on video frame.

Detailed Description

ContextInfo - shares data between vhook functions.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Mon Aug 7 20:54:16 2006 for FFMPEG Logo VHook by  doxygen 1.4.7