Copyright © 1995 Robert M. Free - publishing rights reserved
MUTT(tm) and MUTTER(tm) are trademarks of Robert M. Free

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[] Defining and Using HotKeys

HotKeys are keys that are associated with scripts; by pressing a HotKey, the associated script is executed.

Defining nativation commands to keypad cursor keys makes mud navigation as simple as playing a video game.

HotKeys are defined within the [HotKeys] section of a script file.

MUTT(tm) Lite supports a limited number of hotkeys.

The HotKey format is as follows: label = script

"label" is a HotKey identifier and "script" is the script that is associated with it.

The following lists identifiers supported in MUTT(tm) Lite; the first column indicates the keyword to be used in script files, the second is the description.


esc     escape


cntr    center key
home    home
end     end
left    left
right   right
up      up
down    down
pgup    page up
pgdn    page down
ins     insert
del     delete


x_hom   extended home
x_end   extended end
x_lft   extended left arrow
x_rgt   extended right arrow
x_up    extended up arrow
x_dn    extended down arrow
x_pup   extended page up
x_pdn   extended page down
x_ins   extended insert
x_del   extended delete
x_ent   numeric enter


num0    keypad 0
num1    keypad 1
num2    keypad 2
num3    keypad 3
num4    keypad 4
num5    keypad 5
num6    keypad 6
num7    keypad 7
num8    keypad 8
num9    keypad 9


f1      key 1
f2      key 2
f3      key 3
f4      key 4
f5      key 5
f6      key 6
f7      key 7
f8      key 8
f9      key 9
f1      key 10
f11     key 11
f12     key 12

s_f1 shifted key 1 s_f2 shifted key 2 s_f3 shifted key 3 s_f4 shifted key 4 s_f5 shifted key 5 s_f6 shifted key 6 s_f7 shifted key 7 s_f8 shifted key 8 s_f9 shifted key 9 s_f1 shifted key 10 s_f11 shifted key 11 s_f12 shifted key 12

NEXT PAGE Tips on Writing Scripts

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