Netscape's DDE Implementation
Version 0x00010000
Table of Contents
About this document
SDI (Software Development Interface) is an API (Application Programming
Interface) which is drafted by
Spyglass, Inc.
This document describes the DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) implementation
that the Netscape Navigator for Windows follows. All deviations, additions,
and omissions from the Spyglass SDI draft will be noted in this document.
In no way does this document supplant the Spyglass SDI draft. The sole
intention of this document is to make known Netscape's DDE
implementation for application programmers which desire to use
a DDE SDI-like API with Netscape.
This document assumes the reader has knowledge on how to implement a
DDE application and/or understands DDE concepts and terminology.
The NCAPI Secure Newsgroup for Windows
A secure newsgroup for the Netscape Navigator for Windows NCAPI is available.
If you have any need to discuss Windows NCAPI issues, please
post your comments to the newsgroup.
The URL for the newsgroup is snews://
Document Conventions
Implementation Details
The DDE service name for Netscape is NETSCAPE.
The current revision of Netscape's DDE API can be retrieved using WWW_Version.
It is suggested that you make use of this topic in order to maintain compliance with Netscape's API.
Any window identifiers (dwWindowID) that reference a Netscape window
are not related to the way the Windows operating system performs window
management. The value of all window identifiers addressing a
specific Netscape window must have values returned by the Netscape
DDE implementation.
All parameter strings (DDE items) and return value strings (DDE data)
should attempt to conform to the following:
Not all return values (data) are strings, though all arguments (item) are. In general, any return value that has
a single parameter will be in a binary representation of either 4 bytes
for a double word (dw) or 2 bytes for a boolean (bl); strings will still be represented
in null terminated string format. This applies to both
the Netscape DDE server and any DDE servers which Netscape will expect
return values from.
The boolean data representation of TRUE should be 0x0001; FALSE should be 0x0000.
If you haven't begun yet making a DDE application which communicates
with Netscape, please take note that your application will have to be
both a DDE server and a DDE client in order to use all of the DDE
topics supported by Netscape. If you are interested in only being a
DDE client, then do not use the topics which register your specified DDE
service name for call back from within Netscape.
As the above paragraph implies, your DDE enabled application does not have
to implement the entire list of topics which Netscape supports. Only
implement the subset which your application requires for faster results.
If your application does make use of the register topics, then you must call the appropriate unregister topic to
correctly unitialize with Netscape; failure of DDE servers called by Netscape which do not respond in a timely manner,
cause Netscape to take actions internally which are not documented in this file.
Topic Reference
- WWW_Activate
- WWW_Alert
- WWW_BeginProgress
- WWW_CancelProgress
- WWW_EndProgress
- WWW_Exit
- WWW_GetWindowInfo
- WWW_ListWindows
- WWW_MakingProgress
- WWW_ParseAnchor
- WWW_QueryURLFile
- WWW_QueryViewer
- WWW_RegisterProtocol
- WWW_RegisterURLEcho
- WWW_RegisterViewer
- WWW_RegisterWindowChange
- WWW_SetProgressRange
- WWW_ShowFile
- WWW_UnRegisterProtocol
- WWW_UnRegisterURLEcho
- WWW_UnRegisterViewer
- WWW_UnRegisterWindowChange
- WWW_Version
- WWW_ViewDocFile
- WWW_WindowChange
- Netscape is: Server.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_REQUEST.
- Item (Arguments): dwWindowID,dwFlags
- dwWindowID is the window ID the DDE client is requesting Netscape to make active.
Using a value of 0xFFFFFFFF will cause Netscape to activate the last active window,
or to create a new window if none are available;
otherwise, this value should have been retrieved via some other Netscape DDE topic.
- dwFlags is currently reserved and has no meaning.
Please use a value of 0x0 to be consistent with this topic once dwFlags is actually defined.
- Data (Returns): dwActivatedID
- dwActivatedID is the identifier of the window actually activated by Netscape.
A value of 0x0 means this Topic has failed either because an invalid dwWindowID was used,
or because Netscape was unable to create a new window if needed.
- Description: If the window requested to make active is minimized, it will be restored (unminimized).
If a window is not the topmost window on the desktop, Netscape will make it the topmost window and give it input focus.
Topic Reference
- Netscape is: Client.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_REQUEST.
- Item (Arguments): qcsMessage,dwType,dwButtons
- qcsMessage is a message generated by Netscape that should be displayed in an alert box in your DDE server.
- dwType specifies the type of alert box that the server should display (usually denoted by an icon in the dialog)
and should be one of the following values:
- 0x0 An error alert dialog should be displayed.
- 0x1 A warning alert dialog should be displayed.
- 0x2 A question alert dialog should be displayed.
- 0x3 A status alert dialog should be displayed.
- dwButtons specifies what buttons the alert box should display.
The result of user input will be given back to Netscape in the return value. dwButtons can be:
- 0x0 Display an OK button.
- 0x1 Display an OK/Cancel button pair.
- 0x2 Display a Yes/No button pair.
- 0x3 Display a Yes/No/Cancel button series.
- Data (Returns):dwAnswer
- dwAnswer will indicate which button was pushed by the user in response to the alert box. Values of dwAnswer can be:
- 0x0 An error occurred which prevented the alert box from being displayed.
- 0x1 The OK button was pressed.
- 0x2 The Cancel button was pressed.
- 0x3 The No button was pressed.
- 0x4 The Yes button was pressed.
- Description: Since Netscape must be aware of a DDE server to send the WWW_Alert topic to,
this topic has no meaning outside of registered DDE servers through one of the registration topics,
or through a DDE server receiving information from the progress topics.
Applications should not scan the message and attempt to answer it in an automated manner,
since there is no guarantee that the messages will stay the same across different versions of Netscape;
the best way to handle this is to either not implement this topic,
or to return the error value when you desire no user interaction.
Topic Reference
- Netscape is: Client.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_REQUEST.
- Item (Arguments): dwWindowID,qcsInitialMessage
- dwWindowID is the Netscape window which is loading a document.
- qcsInitialMessage is an initial message which a DDE server can choose to display showing that Netscape has begun to
load a document.
- Data (Returns): dwTransactionID
- dwTransactionID is the transaction idenentifier which will be used in further progress topics sent to the DDE server.
A value of 0x0 indicates failure or denial of the DDE server to accept future progress topics from Netscape.
- Description: When an application specifies a DDE server name in the
WWW_OpenURL topic to Netscape, Netscape will in turn send progress topics to that server.
WWW_BeginProgress is the first progress topic which will be called in order to obtain the dwTransactionID
which will further be used in other progress topics from Netscape to the DDE server accepting progress topics.
Topic Reference
- Netscape is: Server.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_POKE.
- Item (Arguments): dwTransactionID
dwTransactionID is the transaction identifier previously given to Netscape through a call to
- Description: This topic notifies Netscape to cancel the download associated with the transaction identifier.
A subsequent WWW_EndProgress call will be performed by Netscape.
Topic Reference
- Netscape is: Client.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_POKE.
- Item (Arguments): dwTransactionID
- dwTransactionID is the transaction identifier previously obtained by Netscape through a call to
- Description: This topic notifies the DDE server registered to accept progress messages through
WWW_OpenURL that the loading of the URL is of now complete.
Completion does not imply that the URL was successfully or fully loaded,
only that Netscape is no longer attempting to load the URL.
After this topic has been called, Netscape considers dwTransactionID to be invalid and will discard the value.
The SDI draft at the time this document was written indicates the transaction type as XTYP_REQUEST,
which is a possible incompatibility.
Topic Reference
- Netscape is: Server.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_POKE.
- Item (Arguments): WWW_Exit (the item is not checked in any manner, and could possibly be anything)
- Description: This topic causes Netscape to attempt to exit.
No guarantee can be made on wether or not Netscape actually exited,
as Netscape may be automated by OLE automation clients which will block a complete exit.
However, any Netscape windows not under the influence of an OLE automation client will be closed.
Topic Reference
- Netscape is: Server.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_REQUEST.
- Item (Arguments): dwWindowID
- dwWindowID is the Netscape window to obtain current information on.
This value can be 0xFFFFFFFF to specify the last active Netscape window.
- Data (Returns): qcsURL,qcsTitle
- qcsURL is the current URL loaded in the window.
- qcsTitle is the current title of the Netscape window.
- Description: This topic will fail if Netscape can not provide both return values
(a blank page is loaded, so there is no URL), or if an invalid dwWindowID is specified.
Topic Reference
- Netscape is: Server.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_REQUEST.
- Item (Arguments): WWW_ListWindows (the item is not checked in any manner, and could possibly be anything).
- Data (Returns): array of dwWindowIDs
- An actual array of double words, each double word representing a unique Netscape window.
Note that this is not a NULL terminated string, and is an actual array of double words.
The array's final entry is 0x0, null terminating the array.
This implies that no Netscape window will ever have a dwWindowID of 0x0.
- Description: This verb returns an array of double words, or NULL on failure (no windows).
The minimized Netscape icon is not reported as a window,
as it has no functionality that a controlling application can utilize.
Topic Reference
- Netscape is: Client.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_REQUEST.
- Item (Arguments): dwTransactionID,qcsMessage,dwProgress
- dwTransactionID is the transaction identifier retrived by Netscape via a previous call to
- qcsMessage is a string generated internally by Netscape describing the current progress being made.
If an empty string, the DDE server should re-use the previous message given by either this topic or
WWW_BeginProgress topic.
- dwProgress is a double word possibly representing a value between 0x0 and the maximum set by
which can then be used to determine what percentage of the load is completed.
- Data (Returns): blStopLoading
- blStopLoading is a boolean value returned to Netscape
indicating wether Netscape should continue loading the current OpenURL topic.
A value of TRUE indicates that Netscape should stop loading immediately.
- Description: If Netscape is told to stop loading through this topic,
Netscape will then send the server a WWW_EndProgress topic once loading has been interrupted.
Sequential dwProgress messages may not always be ascending, and should not be counted upon.
Topic Reference
- Netscape is: Server.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_REQUEST.
- Item (Arguments): qcsURL,[qcsSaveAs],dwWindowID,dwFlags,[qcsPostFormData],[qcsPostMIMEType],[csProgressServer]
- qcsURL is the URL that Netscape should attempt to load. Form data with METHOD=GET should be part of the URL specified.
- qcsSaveAs is a file name which Netscape should save the URL.
Netscape will not display the URL, but will save it to this file name.
This file will not be deleted from the file system when Netscape exits.
- dwWindowID is the Netscape window which should perform the load.
If the value is 0x0, then Netscape will attempt to create a new window.
If the value is 0xFFFFFFFF then Netscape will use the last active window;
if there is no last active window, then Netscape will attempt to create a new window.
- dwFlags specify how the load should occur.
Possible values are below (any combination is allowed) and then see the description:
- 0x1 Ignore the document cache.
- 0x2 Ignore the image cache.
- 0x4 Operate in the background.
- qcsPostFormData is form data that will be posted to the URL given (METHOD=POST).
- qcsPostMIMEType is the MIME type that the data will be posted with.
If not specified, the default MIME type of application/x-www-form-urlencoded is used only if qcsPostFormData is specified.
- csProgressServer is the DDE server which Netscape will send progress topics once the loading of the URL takes place.
See WWW_BeginProgress.
- Data (Returns): dwServicingWindowID
- The Netscape window identifier which will be performing the load.
A value of 0x0 means that this topic has failed.
A value of 0xFFFFFFFF indicates the data was not of an appropriate MIME type to display in a Netscape window (see below).
- Description: Due to the asynchronous load nature of Netscape, this topic will return a value almost immediately;
no assumptions that the URL has actually loaded should take place upon return from this topic.
This topic will mainly return an error only in the event that an invalid URL access/protocol type has been specified,
if an invalid dwWindowID was specified, or if Netscape is unable to create a new window.
The value of 0x1 and 0x2 in the dwFlags argument mean the same thing to Netscape,
that Netscape will reload directly from the network/local file system rather than using its caching mechanisms;
document and image are not relevant to Netscape
as Netscape has no need to differentiate document data and image data in its caching scheme.
A value of 0x4 in the dwFlags argument has no meaning to Netscape,
as Netscape will not activate itself when a WWW_OpenURL topic is encountered.
If the controlling application desires to activate Netscape after a WWW_OpenURL topic,
use WWW_Activate.
A return value of 0xFFFFFFFF will actually never be returned;
it is assumed that proper handling of the URL will be resolved through internal Netscape mechanisms or through user input.
- Netscape is: Client.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_REQUEST.
- Item (Arguments): qcsURL,[qcsSaveAs],dwWindowID,dwFlags,[qcsPostFormData],[qcsPostMIMEType],[csProgressServer]
- qcsURL is the URL that Netscape is requesting a DDE server to handle.
- qcsSaveAs is a file that Netscape is requesting the DDE server to save the URL output in.
- dwWindowID is the Netscape window requesting the DDE server to load the URL.
- dwFlags is not currently defined, and is currently always set to 0x0 for future compliance.
- qcsPostFormData is the form data that should be posted with the URL.
- qcsPostMIMEType is the MIME type of the form data.
If not specified, and qcsPostFormData is specified, assume that the MIME type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
- csProgressServer is a server which the receiver of this topic should send progress topics. This is currently not
specified by Netscape.
- Data (Returns): dwServicingWindowID
- dwServicingWindowID is an arbitrary window identifier choosen by the receiver of this topic,
indicating a successful load of qcsURL.
A value of 0x0 indicates to Netscape that the operation failed.
A value of 0xFFFFFFFF indicates that that URL data was not accepted by receiver of this topic, equivalent to failure.
- Description: This topic is generated by Netscape to have the server registered through
WWW_RegisterProtocol to handle a URL of the registered protocol.
The server can in turn call Netscape with a WWW_OpenURL topic or a
WWW_ShowFile topic to load generated output from the server, to be redirected to another
URL, or any other purpose you have in mind.
An example of this would be a server which has registered itself to handle
the protocol of "localexecute", Netscape loads a form with ACTION="localexecute://somearbitraryinfo", and when the user
submits the form Netscape will have the server handle it through this topic; the server can then have Netscape display
it's generated HTML output or initiate other actions.
Topic Reference
- Netscape is: Server.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_REQUEST.
- Item (Arguments): qcsAbsoluteURL,qcsRelativeURL
- qcsAbsoluteURL is the absolute (fully qualified) URL with which to parse a relative URL; in this case qcsRelativeURL.
- qcsRelativeURL is a URL which is relative to an absolute URL; in this case qcsAbsoluteURL.
- Data (Returns): qcsCombinedURL
- qcsCombinedURL is an absolute (fully qualified) URL created
by resolving the relative URL (qcsRelatvieURL) with respect to the absolute URL (qcsAbsoluteURL).
- Description: Use this topic to have Netscape resolve relative to absolute URLs,
instead of writing an implementation in your application.
This will also give consistent results when resolving relative URLs in all applications which use this topic.
URL access/protocol types that are not understood by Netscape (not registered) will not be parsed correctly;
you can register a protocol through WWW_RegisterProtocol.
Topic Reference
- Netscape is: Server.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_REQUEST.
- Item (Arguments): qcsFileName
- qcsFileName is the name of a local file which may have been loaded by Netscape.
- Data (Returns): qcsURL
- qcsURL is the URL which qcsFileName was originally loaded from.
- Description: Use this topic to pass a file name to Netscape, and Netscape will return
to you the URL from which the file was loaded. If Netscape did not load the file during the
currently running session, then this topic will fail.
Always pass a fully qualified path and file name to Netscape.
A good use of this topic will be to perform late resolution of BASE URLs in circumstances where
Netscape will spawn an external viewer which is in fact a DDE client capable of registering itself
as a viewer through WWW_RegisterViewer, though no DDE registration
has taken place as the DDE client was not yet running.
Topic Reference
- Netscape is: Client.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_REQUEST.
- Item (Arguments): qcsURL,qcsMIMEType
- qcsURL is the URL which Netscape is loading.
- qcsMIMEType is the MIME content type of the URL.
- Data (Returns): qcsFileName
- qcsFileName is the fully qualified path and file name which Netscape should store the URL on the local file system.
- Description: If you set the appropriate flag in WWW_RegisterViewer
then Netscape will query your viewer for a file name with this topic.
The viewer will receive another topic depending upon what flags you specified in
WWW_RegisterViewer after this topic to let you know a download is complete.
The file name returned by this function will not be removed from the file system after Netscape exits.
It is up to the viewer to manage the file after this topic has been called.
Topic Reference
- Netscape is: Server.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_REQUEST.
- Item (Arguments): qcsServer,qcsProtocol
- qcsServer is a DDE server which desires to handle URLs of a certain protocol type.
- qcsProtocol is the protocol which the server wishes to handle (gopher, http, news, mailto, etc).
This protocol type does not have to be of a type which Netscape can currently handle
and is not evaluated for validity by Netscape internally allowing for unknown types to be specified.
- Data (Returns): blRegistered
- blRegistered is a boolean indicating success (TRUE) or failure (FALSE) of the registration.
Failure means that a DDE server is already registered to handle this protocol type and has not unregistered itself as of yet.
- Description: Use this topic to create your own custom protocol types,
and have Netscape as a client call on a DDE server to process appropriate URLs through WWW_OpenURL.
Topic Reference
- Netscape is: Server.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_POKE.
- Item (Arguments): qcsServer
- qcsServer is the DDE server that wishes to receive WWW_URLEcho topics.
- Description: This topic registers qcsServer to be notified when the loading of a URL occurs, via the
WWW_URLEcho topic.
Multiple servers can be registered with this topic, none will be denied.
The SDI draft at the time this document was written indicates the transaction type as XTYP_REQUEST,
which is a possible incompatibility.
Topic Reference
- Netscape is: Server.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_REQUEST.
- Item (Arguments): qcsServer,qcsMIMEType,dwFlags
- qcsServer is the DDE server that wishes to receive data loaded by Netscape of a certain MIME type.
- qcsMIMEType is the MIME type which qcsServer desires to handle.
- dwFlags can be one of the following (see description also):
- 0x1 save the data to a temporary file, and then ShellExecute() the file.
- 0x2 determine the file name in which to save the data by using the topic WWW_QueryViewer.
- 0x4 save the data to a temporary file, and then use the topic WWW_ViewDocFile.
- 0x8 WWW_ViewDocData is currently not supported, as it is undefined.
- Data (Returns): blRegistered
- blRegistered indicates either failure (FALSE) or success (TRUE) of the registration.
- Description: The only case for failure is if there is already a viewer registered for the MIME type.
The value of 0x2 in dwFlags can be combined with the other values, in order to have Netscape first query the viewer for
a filename to save the file in, and then perform the secondary action in dwFlags (0x1 or 0x4). If 0x2 is specified,
then the filename passed in the secondary actions is no longer temporary, and it is up to the viewer to correctly
manage the file as it will not be removed from the file system once Netscape exits.
If 0x2 is the only flag set in dwFlags, then this topic will fail, as Netscape will not know what to do with the file
once renamed; see WWW_QueryViewer.
It is not recommeded that the viewer be registered to use a value of 0x1 in dwFlags
as this poses a serious security and data risk to any user's workstation.
Use of 0x1 along with the 0x2 in dwFlags is more acceptable, as the file can be renamed appropriately before the
ShellExecute() takes place.
WWW_ViewDocCache is a topic which is not supported by Netscape, which would be used to query a registered viewer if
it already has a copy of a URL, and to display it if so. It is not supported so that Netscape can always give the
registered viewer data that it knows to be currently valid.
Topic Reference
- Netscape is: Server.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_REQUEST.
- Item (Arguments): qcsServer,dwWindowID
- qcsServer is the DDE server desiring to know when a particular Netscape window changes.
- dwWindowID is the Netscape window which when changed, will cause a WWW_WindowChange topic
to be sent to qcsServer.
- Data (Returns): dwMonitoringWindowID
- dwMonitoringWindowID is the Netscape window which will inform qcsServer once it is actually changed.
This value is generally the same as dwWindowID if a specific window was specified. If this value is
0x0 then the operation failed, because an invalid dwWindowID was specified.
- Description: Multiple servers can monitor the same window at the same time.
Topic Reference
- Netscape is: Client.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_POKE.
- Item (Arguments): dwTransactionID,dwMaximum
- dwTransactionID is the transaction handle previously obtained by Netscape via a
WWW_BeginProgress topic.
- dwMaximum is a possibly arbitrary value, indicating the maximum value that will ever be reported by
WWW_MakingProgress which can be used to calculate a percentage of a load that is
currently complete.
- Description: Netscape uses this topic to inform the remote server what the maximum range for progress messages
will be. This maximum may never be reached, and should not be counted upon. Also, this maximum may not necessarily always
be greater than what is reported by WWW_MakingProgress.
Topic Reference
- Netscape is: Server.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_REQUEST.
- Item (Arguments): qcsFileName,qcsMIMEType,dwWindowID,qcsURL
- qcsFileName is the file that Netscape should attempt to load. This file is not managed by Netscape, and any cleanup
of the file needs to be handled by the applciation controlling Netscape if need be.
- qcsMIMEType is the MIME type of the data contained within qcsFileName.
- dwWindowID is the Netscape window which should load the file. A value of 0x0 request Netscape to load the file in a new
window, and a value of 0xFFFFFFFF requests Netscape to load the file in the last active Netscape Window;
if there is no last active Netscape window, then Netscape will attempt to create a new one.
- qcsURL is the URL of the document, which allows the document to be reloaded if necessary. This will happen only if
Netscape is unable to open qcsFileName for reading.
- Data (Returns): dwServicingWindowID
- dwServicingWindowID is the Netscape window identifier which is performing the load of the file. A value of 0x0 means
that this operation failed. Failure can occur if Netscape can not create a new window, or if all attempts to initiate a
load on qcsFileName and qcsURL fail. A return value of 0xFFFFFFFF means that the MIME type is not of an appropriate type
for Netscape to handle; this value will never be returned, as it is assumed that some correct action will either be taken
by Netscape, or by user interaction, to correctly handle the file.
- Description: Due to the asynchronous loading nature of Netscape, this
topic will return to the caller almost immediately; no assumptions that Netscape has actually loaded the data should be made.
If you want Netscape to send your server progress topics, use WWW_OpenURL with the file
protocol type ("file:///c|/temp/somefile.txt").
Topic Reference
- Netscape is: Server.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_REQUEST.
- Item (Arguments): qcsServer,qcsProtocolType
- qcsServer is the server which no longer wishes to handle URLs of a certain protocol type.
- qcsProtocolType is the protocol type which qcsServer no longer wishes to handle.
- Data (Returns): blUnregistered
- blUnregistered will be TRUE if the operation was successful, otherwise it is FALSE which indicates that qcsServer was
never actually registered to handle URLs of qcsProtocolType.
- Description: Use this topic to undo the topic WWW_RegisterProtocol.
Topic Reference
- Netscape is: Server.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_POKE.
- Item (Arguments): qcsServer
- qcsServer is the server wishing to no longer receive WWW_URLEcho topics.
- Description: Use this to undo the topic WWW_RegisterURLEcho.
The SDI draft at the time this document was written indicates the transaction type as XTYP_REQUEST,
which is a possible incompatibility.
Topic Reference
- Netscape is: Server.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_REQUEST.
- Item (Arguments): qcsServer,qcsMIMEType
- qcsServer is the server wishing to no longer be registered to handle documents of a particlar MIME type.
- qcsMIMEType is the MIME type which qcsServer no longer wishes to handle.
- Data (Returns): blUnregistered
- blUnregistered is TRUE if the unregistration was successful, and is FALSE if qcsServer was never actually registered
to handle qcsMIMEType data.
- Description: Use this to undo the topic WWW_RegisterViewer.
Topic Reference
- Netscape is: Server.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_REQUEST.
- Item (Arguments): qcsServer,dwWindowID
- qcsServer is the server wishing to no longer monitor wether or not a particlar Netscape window is changed.
- dwWindowID is the Netscape window to no longer monitor.
- Data (Returns): blUnregistered
- blUnregistered is TRUE if the unregistration was successful, and is FALSE if qcsServer was never registered to monitor
dwWindowID or if dwWindowID is not a valid Netscape window.
- Description: Use this to undo the topic WWW_RegisterWindowChange. This
topic is automatically called by Netscape internally if the window is actually closed by the user, and there is no need
for monitoring applications to call this topic if they have received a WWW_WindowChange topic
indicating the window is closing for dwWindowID.
Topic Reference
- Netscape is: Client.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_POKE.
- Item (Arguments): qcsURL,qcsMIMEType,dwWindowID,[qcsReferrer]
- qcsURL is the URL that Netscape has just attempted to load.
- qcsMIMEType is the MIME type of the URL.
- dwWindowID is the Netscape window which performed the load. A value of 0xFFFFFFFF indicates that Netscape didn't
display the URL in one of it's own windows.
- qcsReferrer is the referrer URL; the URL which contained an anchor which lead the user to qcsURL.
- Description: Netscape will use this topic every time Netscape loads a URL;
including inline images, files saved to disk, etc). See WWW_RegisterURLEcho.
Topic Reference
- Netscape is: Server.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_REQUEST.
- Item (Arguments): WWW_Version (the item is not checked in any manner, and could possibly be anything)
- Data (Returns): dwAPIVersion
- dwAPIVersion is the version of the API which the Netscape DDE server is speaking. The high word is the major version,
the low word the minor.
- Description: All applciations which plan to check for compatibility with the Netscape DDE implementation should
use this topic. The hueristics for determining if your application is compatible are:
- Check the major version number. If different than what your application was programmed for, then conisder the API
uncompatible. No further communication should be attempted with Netscape.
- If the major version matches, check the minor version. If your application's minor version is greater than the
minor version reported by Netscape, then consider the API uncompatible. No further communication should be attempted
with Netscape.
- Otherwise, consider yourself compatible.
Of course your application can be programmed to handle the differences in the Netscape API versions,
to avoid incompatibility with the version of Netscape which the end user is running.
Topic Reference
- Netscape is: Client.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_POKE.
- Item (Arguments): qcsFileName,qcsURL,qcsMIMEType,dwWindowID
- qcsFileName is the name of the file on the local file system that Netscape is requesting a registered server through
WWW_RegisterViewer to display.
- qcsURL is the URL that qcsFileName represents.
- qcsMIMEType is the MIME type of the data in qcsFileName.
- dwWindowID is the Netscape window which performed the load of qcsURL, and is the window initiating this topic.
- Description: qcsFileName may be a temporary file which Netscape will delete upon exit depending upon the flags
specified in WWW_RegisterViewer. The server receiving this message should handle
qcsFileName in whatever manner is normal for the server when receiving this topic.
Topic Reference
- Netscape is: Client.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_POKE.
- Item (Arguments): dwWindowID,dwWindowFlags,[dwX],[dwY],[dwCX],[dwCY]
- dwWindowID is the Netscape window which has changed.
- dwWindowFlags are the flags indicating what occurred to the Netscape window.
- 0x00000001 The Netscape window has changed position and/or size, check the optional position and size arguments for details.
- 0x00000002 The Netscape window has been maximized.
- 0x00000004 The Netscape window has been normalized.
- 0x00000008 The Netscape window has been minimized.
- 0x00000010 The Netscape window has been closed.
- 0x00010000 The action occurred because the Netscape application is attempting to exit.
- dwX is the new X position of the Netscape window.
- dwY is the new Y position of the Netscape window.
- dwCX is the new width of the Netscape window.
- dwCY is the new height of the Netscape window.
- Description: This topic is sent to servers registered through
WWW_RegisterWindowChange. Once Netscape has sent this topic and the Netscape window is closing,
then it will internally perform a WWW_UnRegisterWindowChange.
- Netscape is: Server.
- Transaction Type: XTYP_POKE.
- Item (Arguments): dwWindowID,dwWindowFlags,[dwX],[dwY],[dwCX],[dwCY]
- dwWindowID is the Netscape window to change.
- dwWindowFlags are the flags indicating what actions the Netscape window will perform.
- 0x00000001 The Netscape window should changed position and/or size, according to the optional position and size arguments.
- 0x00000002 The Netscape window should maximize.
- 0x00000004 The Netscape window should normalize.
- 0x00000008 The Netscape window should minimize.
- 0x00000010 The Netscape window should close.
- dwX is the new X position for the Netscape window. This argument must be set if you are changing the size or position
of the Netscape window.
- dwY is the new Y position for the Netscape window. This argument must be set if you are changing the size or position
of the Netscape window.
- dwCX is the new width for the Netscape window. If this is not set, then the current Netscape window width is used.
- dwCY is the new height for the Netscape window. If this is not set, then the current Netscape window height is used.
- Description: Clients can manipulate Netscape windows by using this topic. Any servers that are registered to monitor changes
for a particular Netscape window through WWW_RegisterWindowChange will also be notified of the
changes made.
Topic Reference
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