April 18, 1996
This appendix describes the C datatypes and functions that allow scripts to interact with associated scenes.
VRML browsers aren't required to support C in Script nodes. In fact, supporting C is problematic:
system("rm -r /*");
Therefore, the bindings given in this document to provide interaction between VRML Script nodes and the rest of a VRML scene are provided for reference purposes only.
/* * vrml.h - vrml support procedures for C */ typedef void * Field; typedef char * String; typedef int boolean; typedef struct { unsigned char *value; int dims[3]; } SFImageType; /* * Read-only (constant) type definitions, one for each field type: */ typedef const boolean *ConstSFBool; typedef const float *ConstSFColor; typedef const float *ConstMFColor; typedef const float *ConstSFFloat; typedef const float *ConstMFFloat; typedef const SFImageType *ConstSFImage; typedef const int *ConstSFInt32; typedef const int *ConstMFInt32; typedef const Node *ConstSFNode; typedef const Node *ConstMFNode; typedef const float *ConstSFRotation; typedef const float *ConstMFRotation; typedef const String ConstSFString; typedef const String *ConstMFString; typedef const float *ConstSFVec2f; typedef const float *ConstMFVec2f; typedef const float *ConstSFVec3f; typedef const float *ConstMFVec3f; typedef const double *ConstSFTime; /* * And now the writeable versions of the above types: */ typedef boolean *SFBool; typedef float *SFColor; typedef float *MFColor; typedef float *SFFloat; typedef float *MFFloat; typedef SFImageType *SFImage; typedef int *SFInt32; typedef int *MFInt32; typedef Node *SFNode; typedef Node *MFNode; typedef float *SFRotation; typedef float *MFRotation; typedef String SFString; typedef String *MFString; typedef float *SFVec2f; typedef float *MFVec2f; typedef float *SFVec3f; typedef float *MFVec3f; typedef double *SFTime; /* * Event-related types and functions */ typedef void *EventIn; String getEventInName(EventIn eventIn); int getEventInIndex(EventIn eventIn); SFTime getEventInTimeStamp(EventIn eventIn); void *getEventInValue(EventIn eventIn); typedef void *Node; void *getNodeValue(Node *node, String fieldName); void postNodeEventIn(Node *node, String eventName, Field eventValue); /* * C script */ typedef void *Script; Field getScriptEventOut(Script script, String eventName); Field getScriptField(Script script, String fieldName); void exception(String error);
This section lists the functions that allow scripts to get and set browser information. For descriptions of the functions, see the "Browser Interface" section of the "Scripting" section of the spec. Since these functions aren't defined as part of a "Browser" class in C, most of their names include the word "Browser" for clarity.
String getBrowserName(); float getBrowserVersion(); String getBrowserNavigationType(); void setBrowserNavigationType(String type); float getBrowserNavigationSpeed(); void setBrowserNavigationSpeed(float speed); float getBrowserCurrentSpeed(); float getBrowserNavigationScale(); void setBrowserNavigationScale(float scale); boolean getBrowserHeadlight(); void setBrowserHeadlight(boolean onOff); String getBrowserWorldURL(); void loadBrowserWorld(String url); float getBrowserCurrentFrameRate(); Node createVrmlFromURL(String url); Node createVrmlFromString(String vrmlSyntax); void addRoute(Node fromNode, String fromEventOut, Node toNode, String toEventIn); void deleteRoute(Node fromNode, String fromEventOut, Node toNode, String toEventIn); void bindBrowserBackground(Node background); void unbindBrowserBackground(); boolean isBrowserBackgroundBound(Node background); void bindBrowserNavigationInfo(Node navigationInfo); void unbindBrowserNavigationInfo(); boolean isBrowserNavigationInfoBound(Node navigationInfo); void bindBrowserViewpoint(Node viewpoint); void unbindBrowserViewpoint(); boolean isBrowserViewpointBound(Node viewpoint);
[[anything special here, or do we just use standard C system and networking libraries?]]
[[need to put in the actual Script node here... And I think the program needs to be completely rewritten to use new entrypoint model, with function named for each eventIn plus an eventsProcessed function. Is FooScriptType even necessary under new model?]]
/* * FooScript.c */ #include "vrml.h" typedef struct { Script parent; SFInt32 fooField; SFFloat barOutEvent; } FooScriptType; typedef FooScriptType *FooScript; void constructFooScript(FooScript foo, Script p) { foo->parent = p; /* Initialize field(s) */ foo->fooField = (SFInt32) getScriptField(foo->parent, "foo"); /* Initialize eventOut field(s) */ foo->barOutEvent = (SFFloat) getScriptEventOut(foo->parent, "bar"); } void processFooScriptEvents(FooScript foo, EventIn *list, int length) { int i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { EventIn event = list[i]; switch (getEventInIndex(event)) { case 0: case 1: *foo->barOutEvent = *(SFFloat) foo->fooField; break; default: exception("Unknown eventIn"); } } }