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Copyright 1995 Robert M. Free - publishing rights reserved

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September 19, 1995

Women's Conference in China

I originally had mixed feeling about holding a world conference in China:

The outcome of the conference has shown to me that my concerns have been outweighed by the benefits created by the conference.

The conference provided yet another example that women leaders are also world leaders. Under adverse conditions, the conference remained well-organized and to the point. The conference leaders believed that holding the conference in China was the right thing to do - and despite objections from some government leaders, they stuck to their figurative guns and proved their decision right.

Towards the end of the conference, issues raised regarding sexual preference became a hotly debated topic that threated to delayed the summation of the conference. While many of the conference leaders were sympathethic towards these issues, in the end the attenddes agreed to stick with the point of the conference - women's rights - and to save the this topic for a conference on sexual rights.

If only our government heads could put partisan issues aside and show as much leadership.

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